weed control除草;杂草防除;野草控制
weed out清除;淘汰;除去
weed killer除草剂
sea weed海苔,海带;赤菜,海草
- Mother weeded out the library because there were too many books.
书房书太多,母亲扔掉那些不必要的书。 - He weeded out the books he no longer needed.
Assigxob to
'Tis an unweeded garden: a study of Shakespeare's use of Kydian revenge
Community assembly and biomass production in regularly and never weeded experimental grasslands
Crop losses in wheat (Triticum aestivum) as determined using weeded and nonweeded quadrats.
Alternative Ways to Control Weeds Between Rows in Weeded Check Plots in Corn (Zea mays) and Soybean (Glycine max)1
Forage and seed yield response of lucerne cultivars to chemically weeded and non-weeded managements and implications for germplasm c...
Maize-weed competition and soil erosion in unweeded maize.
Communities of different plant diversity respond similarly to drought stress: experimental evidence from field non-weeded and greenh...
Diversity of coccinellids in cereals, pulses, vegetables and in weeded and partially weeded rice-cowpea ecosystems in Madurai Distri...
Lysimeter Investigations on the Effect of Winter Catch Crops and Weeded Fallow on the N-Dynamics in a Sandy Treposol Soil of Northea...