- However, the way Sirius mentions their relationship, it sounds as though she is related to him by marriage through some other relative as well.
Well connected
Growing Well-connected Graphs
A well-connected and conserved nucleoplasmic helicase is required for production of box C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs and localization of sn...
Temporal variations of nucleonic abundances in solar flare energetic particle events. I - Well-connected events
The well-connected community : a networking approach to community development
Well-connected leaders: the impact of leaders' social network ties on LMX and members' work attitudes.
The well-connected community: networking to the edge of chaos
Distributed synthesis for well-connected architectures
Local Context and Innovation Diffusion in a Well-Connected World
Distributed Synthesis for Well-Connected Architectures
A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters