- Still despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way and then the journey becomes unbearable.
Clinical trials bureaucracy : unintended consequences of well-intentioned policy .
Patent Hold-Up and Antitrust: How A Well-Intentioned Rule Could Retard Innovation †
Out of the Pan and into the Fire: Well-Intentioned but Misguided Recommendations to Eliminate All Forms of Administrative Detention ...
Means-Test Barrier for Pensioners; Chancellor's Income Boosting Plan Is Well-Intentioned but Flawed, Says Charity
Racism among the well-intentioned
The Impact of Cash Budgets on Poverty Reduction in Zambia: A Case Study of the Conflict between Well-Intentioned Macroeconomic Polic...
Destructive trends in mental health: The well-intentioned path to harm.
CASE 1: The Well-Intentioned Triptan Prescriber
U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Guidance Regarding Morcellation of Leiomyomas: Well-Intentioned, But Is It Harmful for Women?
A Well-Intentioned Folly: The Macroeconomic Implications of Solvency II