white house n. 白宫(美国政府的行政机关,美国总统官邸)
black and white白纸黑字;单色;黑白片
white wine白葡萄酒
snow white n. 白雪公主
white paper白皮书;白纸
white noise白噪声(用以掩盖令人心烦的杂音)
egg white蛋白
pure white纯白;纯白色;纯洁白
white light[物]白光
white hair白头发
white cast iron白口铸铁
white man白种人;忠实可靠的人
white powder白色粉末;白粉;干蛋白
white horse n. 白马;怀特霍斯(加拿大育空地区首府);白马像(新石器时代、青铜时代或铁器时代雕刻在英国伯克郡等白垩山冈上)
white pollution白色污染
white people白种人
white collar白领阶层;白领工人
white shirt白衬衣,白衬衫
white sugar n. 白糖;精制糖
white matter[解]白质(脑及脊髓的)
- The main varieties of sea fish landed are herring, cod, whiting, mackerel, plaice, ray, skate and haddock.
Protein hydrolysates for Pacific whiting solid wastes.International Blue Whiting Spawning Stock Survey (IBWSS) Spring 2018Whiting events: biogenic origin due to the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacterial picoplanktonPhysicochemical changes in Pacific whiting muscle proteins during iced storage.Forage fish control population dynamics of North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangusInvestigations on the whiting stock in the North Sea, west of Great Britain and off Ireland by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1982Protease Inhibitor Effects on Torsion Measurements and Autolysis of Pacific Whiting SurimiWhiting P, Rutjes AW, Reitsma JB, Bossuyt PM, Kleijnen JThe development of QUADAS: a tool for the quality assessment of studies of d...Comparative studies on the populations of the Indian sand whiting, Sillago sihama (Forsskal) (Pisces: Sillaginidae) from the east an...Women and Petitioning in the Seventeenth-Century English Revolution: Deference, Difference and Dissent, by Amanda Jane Whiting