Who's who?Who's Whowho's who?Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli from animals, humans and foods: who's who?Who's Who with Big-Five: Analyzing and Classifying Personality Traits with SmartphonesWho's who in biotechWho's who in Gnome: Using LSA to merge software repository identitiesBook: Who's Who in OrthopedicsWho's Who in Conservation Biology—an Authorship AnalysisAn Introductory Who's Who for Money Laundering InvestigatorsWho's who in economics : a biographical dictionary of major economists, 1700-1981Who's Who in Conservation Biology—an Authorship AnalysisWho's Who? Allocation of Carbonyl Reductase Isoenzymes from Candida parapsilosis by Combining Bio‐ and Computational Chemistry