- Thus the basic ingredients of the nutritional flour and the theoretical basis to fortify wheat flour are provided.
Influence of method of whole-wheat feeding on the performance, digestive tract development and carcass traits of broiler chickens
Bread-making potential of straight-grade and whole-wheat flours of triumph and eagle-plainsman V hard red winter wheats.
Human calcium absorption from whole-wheat products.
Influence of additives on rheological characteristics of whole-wheat dough and quality of Chapatti (Indian unleavened Flat bread) Pa...
Density Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Wheat and Whole-Wheat Flour
Physicochemical properties of freshly baked and stored whole-wheat muffins with and without flaxseed meal.
Effects of Baking Conditions, Dough Fermentation, and Bran Particle Size on Antioxidant Properties of Whole-Wheat Pizza Crusts
Antioxidant properties of commercial, regular- and whole-wheat spaghetti
Products deriving from microbial fermentation are linked to insulinaemic response in pigs fed breads prepared from whole-wheat grain...
Dental caries in the Syrian hamster. 7. Increased dental caries activity in animals fed whole-wheat ash diets during the odontogenic...