windward side迎风面;迎风边;上风舷
windward islands向风群岛,温德华群岛
- The wind was so strong they could not sail to windward.
- France lies on the windward side of Europe.
法国位于欧洲向风的一面。 - The first windward leg went pretty well, we had good speed.
The natural vegetation of the Windward and Leeward Island.
Effect of Vent Arrangement on Windward Ventilation of a Tunnel Greenhouse
Flora of the Lesser Antilles, Leeward and Windward Islands. Volume 5.
Trophic Structure and Productivity of a Windward Coral Reef Community on Eniwetok Atoll
Some observations of the transition process on the windward face of a long yawed cylinder
The ecology of the climbing fern Dicranopteris linearis on windward Mauna Loa, Hawaii.
Spatial patterns of epilithic algal and detrital resources on a windward coral reef
Spatial patterns of epilithic algal and detrital resources on a windward coral reef
An altitudinal transect analysisof the windward vegetation on Haleakala, a Hawaiian island mountain:(2) vegetation zonation
Zooplankton, Planktivorous Fish, and Water Currents on a Windward Reef Face: Great Barrier Reef, Australia