wolffian duct
Wolffian Duct
Wolffian Duct
Wolffian Tubules
Analysis of the prostatic central zone in patients with unilateral absence of wolffian duct structures: further evidence of the meso...
The relation of the growing müllerian duct to the wolffian duct and its importance for the genesis of malformations
Ret-dependent cell rearrangements in the Wolffian duct epithelium initiate ureteric bud morphogenesis.
Beta-catenin is necessary to keep cells of ureteric bud/Wolffian duct epithelium in a precursor state
Regulation of Wolffian duct development.
Seminal fluid from men with agenesis of the Wolffian ducts: zinc-binding properties and effects on sperm chromatin stability.
In vitro androgen-induced growth and morphogenesis of the Wolffian duct within urogenital ridge
A comparative study of the differentiation and involution of the mullerian duct and wolffian duct in the male and female fetal mouse
Residual activity of mutant androgen receptors explains Wolffian duct development in the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome