- Today I shall spend in the workaday world of the present , amid the haunts of men going about the business of life.
Augmenting the Workaday World with Elvin
Augmenting the workaday world with Elvin.
The workaday world as a paradigm for CSCW design
Organizational spaces: Rematerializing the workaday world
Worldly and workaday worries: Contemporary concerns of children and young adolescents
Instrumenting and Augmenting the Workaday World with a Generic Notification Service called Elvin
Instrumenting and Augmenting the Workaday World with a Generic Notifi- cation Service called Elvin1
Visualization of Workaday Data Clarified by Means of Wine Fingerprints
The Librarians in the Trenches: The Workaday Impact of Information Literacy
Workaday Windmiller: Another Look at Early Horizon Lifeways in Central California