Filmanalyse und PsychologieKunstwert des Films und Massencharakter des Mediums : Konspekte zur Geschichte der Theorie des SpielfilmsAnalyzing the Reality Effect in Dogma FilmsNarration and the film structures for three learning phasesCinematic Narration and its Psychological Impact: Functions of Cognition, Emotion and PlayLong-Term bacterial leakage along obturated roots restored with temporary and adhesive fillingsCornel Visscher: Verzeichniss Seiner Kupferstiche (German Edition)iQ Fetches High ScoreSTUDY ON EXISTING HOUSE REBIRTH APPROPRIATE MODE OF LARGE CITIES ON THE BACKGROUND OF BUILDING A CONSERVATION-MINDED SOCIETY——TIAN...DIVERSITE ET CONFIGURATION DE LA FLORE LIGNEUSE AUTOUR D’UN RUCHER EN ZONE DE TRANSITION FORET-SAVANE DE LA COTE D’IVOIRE