XenogamyXenogamyXenogamy and Current Obesity PandemicsFacultative xenogamy: examination of a mixed mating system.Functions of hereditary immunity and xenogamy in cancer origin and pandemic spreadObesity: A reckoning both for genetic immunity to infection and xenogamyThe troublesome xenogamy between archaeology and ethnohistory : examples from research on north-western Argentinian prehistory and e...Steady state flowering pattern, temporal dioecism, facultative xenogamy and pollination by insects in Tecoma stans L. (Bignoniaceae)Morphological, Phenological, and Pollen-Distribution Evidence of Autogamy and Xenogamy in Gilia achilleifolia (Polemoniaceae)Anthecology and reproductive system of Mourera fluviatilis (Podostemaceae): Pollination by bees and xenogamy in a predominantly ane...