Xenon flashlamp와 광촉매를 이용한 타원형 반응기의 살균 특성에 관한 연구Xenon flash lampXENON FLASH LAMPPhotodecomposition of CH2O, CD2O, CHDO, and CH2O-CD2O mixtures at xenon flash lamp intensitiesTHE PHOTODECOMPOSITION OF CH$sub 2$O, CD$sub 2$O, CHDO, AND CH$sub 2$O-- CD$sub 2$O MIXTURES AT XENON FLASH LAMP INTENSITIES.Use of a xenon flash tube as the excitation source in a new slit-lamp fluorophotometerArc expansion in xenon flashlampsXenon flash lamp pumped self-frequency doubling NYAB pulsed laserBrightness control for flashing xenon lampTunable Ultraviolet Visible Photoacoustic Detection - Analysis of the Sensitivity and Selectivity Provided by a Xenon Flash LampXENON FLASH LAMP, AND SOCKET AND RECTIFIER FOR XENON FLASH LAMPHigh power xenon flashlamp with relative small-bore and large arc-lengthHeat conduction in blackened skin accompanying pulsatile heating with a xenon flash lamp.