Monolayer-Protected Clusters: Molecular Precursors to Metal FilmsNONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF THIN - WALLED MULTICELL BOX GIRDERSA novel structure of pressure sensorsControlling the Polymorphic Behaviors of Semicrystalline Polymers with CyclodextrinsSelf-Assembled Monolayers of Hexapeptides on Gold: Surface Characterization and Orientation Distribution Analysis†RESEARCH ON BEARING CAPACITY OF STEEL BOX?CONCRETE COMPOSITE BEAMSPreliminary Research on Flower Bud Dfferentiation of 'Pink' PomegranateANALYSIS OF AEEG IN PATIENTS WITH SECONDARY EPILEPSY AFTER CEREBRAL INFARCTIONA DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING ALGORITHM FOR RESOURCE ALLOCATION OF REAL-TIME SYSTEMSCAUSE ANALYSIS OF RADIATOR TUBE BUNDLES' FROST-CRACK FOR INDIRECT AIR-COOLED SYSTEM WITH SURFACE CONDENSER