XVT凝胶的胶体性能研究Mvi(xvt(t)) = 1max Mv(xv(t)).XVT无机凝胶的研制及其应用A study of (xvt,xvt-1)-minihypers in PG(t,q)XVT: A virtual toolkit for portability between window systems基于TOPO&DXVT的立式加工中心横梁复合优化设计An extensible virtual toolkit (XVT) for portable GUI applicationsMolecular characterization of XVT8, a stress-responsive gene from the resurrection plant Xerophyta viscosa Baker. Plant Growth RegKinetics and mechanism of oxidation by metal ions: Part XVt-Oxidation of glyoxalate ion by alkaline osmium tetroxideRandomized, prospective, comparative trial of EX-PRESS glaucoma filtration device versus trabeculectomy (XVT study)