Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecturePlanck 2015 results. XX. Constraints on inflationEra dos extremos: o breve século XX (1914-1991)Studies on organophosphorus compounds XX. syntheses of thioketonesTrabalho e capital monopolista: a degradação do trabalho no século XXChemInform Abstract: STUDIES ON ORGANOPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS. XX. SYNTHESES OF THIOKETONESInternational Union of Pharmacology. XX. Current Status of the Nomenclature for Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Their SubunitsInteraction of metal ions with polynucleotides and related compounds. XX. Control of the conformation of polyriboadenylic acid by di...ChemInform Abstract: TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF OPTICALLY ACTIVE STEROIDS. XX. SYNTHESIS OF 7α‐METHYLESTRATRIENE BY STEREOSELECTIVE METHYL...Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing : Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986 (ISBN 0-521-30811-9). xx + 818 pp...