Rare Taxa Identified by Xylology: Considering some Identification and Interpretation MattersOn learning strategies of learning xylology of college students in new era木材学实验教程 : Experimental course of xylologyXylology and forest history.Keywords - xylologyL''apport des analyses xylologiques dans la reconstitution de la mise en place de l''agrosystème vers l''An Mil à Colletièr...Determinacion xilologica de una raiz petrificada de proteaceae de la formacion rio turbio (eoceno), santa cruz, argentinaAMS radiocarbon dating and scientific examination of high historical value manuscripts: Application to two Chinese manuscripts from ...Le delta hettangien de la Grandville (Ardennes, France): Étude paléobotanique et paléoécologiqueA Thousand Years of Lost Hunting Arrows: Wood Analysis of Ice Patch Remains in Northwestern Canada