XylophagousXylophagousXylophagousIntestinal microbiota of termites and other xylophagous insects.Effects of total dietary nitrogen and nitrogen form on the development of xylophagous leafhoppersDegradation of Lignin Monomers by the Hindgut Flora of Xylophagous TermitesDifferential utilization of nutrients during development by the xylophagous leafhopper, Homalodisca coagulataHabitat preferences of oak-feeding xylophagous beetles in a temperate woodland: implications for forest history and managementHost‐use patterns of saproxylic phloeophagous and xylophagous Coleoptera adults and larvae along the decay gradient in standing dea...Degradation of dimeric lignin model compounds by aerobic bacteria isolated from the hindgut of xylophagous termites