- For most of the Guise family, religious zealotry was not a motive.
所以对于大多数的吉斯家族,宗教狂热并不是动机。 - But at a time when the western world is battling to defend free speech against religious zealotry, they look particularly indefensible.
On the Role of Zealotry in the Voter Model
Zealotry and Academic Freedom: A Legal and Historical Perspective.
Effect of zealotry in high-dimensional opinion dynamics models.
The effect of zealotry in the naming game model of opinion dynamics
The effect of zealotry in the naming game model of opinion dynamics
Zealotry and vengeance : quest of a religious identity group : a sociopolitical account of the Rabin assassination
The Freshness of Fanaticism: The Abolitionist Defense of Zealotry
Extreme sodium reductions for the entire population: zealotry or evidence based?
Electrical stimulation for the relief of pain: two lessons in technological zealotry.
Remember Amalek! Vengeance, Zealotry, and Group-Discussion in the Bible according to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus. By Louis H...