Nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor induce rapid transient changes in proto-oncogene transcription in PC12 cells.
Kinetic phase transitions in an irreversible surface-reaction model
Trans-acting protein factors and the regulation of eukaryotic transcription: lessons from studies on DNA tumor viruses.
Stimulation of neuronal acetylcholine receptors induces rapid gene transcription
Association of Myn, the murine homolog of max, with c-Myc stimulates methylation-sensitive DNA binding and ras cotransformation.
Methylation-sensitive sequence-specific DNA binding by the c-Myc basic region.
Effect of protein synthesis inhibitors on growth factor activation of c-fos, c-myc, and actin gene transcription.
Mechanisms of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Fuel Cells
Enlightening the postsynaptic density
Increased superoxide anion release from human endothelial cells in response to cytokines.