- He blabbed my confidences to every one.
他把我告诉他的知心话告诉了每个人。 - You know she'll just blab all the secrets.
你知道她会泄露所有秘密的。 - She'll be sure to blab and it will be all over the town in no time.
- Who will open himself to a blab?
Photothermal heterodyne imaging of individual nonfluorescent nanoclusters and nanocrystals
Autofluorescent proteins in single-molecule research: applications to live cell imaging microscopy
Single Nanoparticle Photothermal Tracking (SNaPT) of 5-nm Gold Beads in Live Cells
Single-molecule imaging of l-type Ca(2+) channels in live cells.
Outer membrane proteins of Brucella abortus: isolation and characterization.
Photothermal Heterodyne Imaging of Individual Metallic Nanoparticles: Theory versus Experiments
Two-photon excitation action cross-sections of the autofluorescent proteins
Single-molecule imaging of the H-ras membrane-anchor reveals domains in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the cell membrane.
Simultaneous dual-color and dual-polarization imaging of single molecules
Homogeneous detection of single rolling circle replication products.