用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- give blisters磨出泡来
- make blisters磨出泡来
- raise blisters磨出泡来
blister packaging泡罩包装;硬质泡沫塑料衬垫包装
blister packing气泡包装;起泡包装
blister card吸塑卡
blister copper粗铜;泡铜
blister pack罩板包装(硬底上有凸起透明罩的物品包装)
- My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe.
我的靴子挤压了我脚趾上的水泡。 - He needled the blister on his feet until they burst.
他挑穿了脚上的水泡。 - The blister on my foot made it painful to walk .
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
- His skin was beginning to blister.
他的皮肤开始起疱。 - He is not used to manual work and his hands blister easily.
Biochemical and antibacterial analysis of human wound and blister fluid.
Detection of active kallikrein in induced blister fluids of hereditary angioedema patients
Distribution and severity of white pine blister rust and mountain pine beetle on whitebark pine in British Columbia
The distribution and incidence of white pine blister rust in central and southeastern Wyoming and northern Colorado
Topographic influences on the distribution of white pine blister rust in Pinus albicaulis treeline communities
Observations on the algogenic actions of adenosine compounds on the human blister base preparation.
Infection of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves with Albugo candida (white blister rust) causes a reprogramming of host metabolism
Synoptic climatology of the long-distance dispersal of white pine blister rust II. Combination of surface and upper-level conditions.
Intracellular and extracellular penetration of azithromycin into inflammatory and noninflammatory blister fluid.
Pemphigus vulgaris antigen (desmoglein 3) is localized in the lower epidermis, the site of blister formation in patients.