- He made a display of his learning.
他夸耀自己有学问。 - Many party regulars took these words as a boast.
很多党的积极分子把这句话看成是自我夸耀。 - She was pardonably proud of her excellent sewing.
她自夸缝纫技术高超,这是情有可原的。 - The captain is always boasting of his military valor.
{From the "Whitehall Review.')RhoetusKNX IP Secure and KNX Data Secure provide secured access to KNX Installations.MODELING THE MOVEMENT OF CHEMICALS IN SOILS BY WATER.Subject compilations of state laws :Dark saying : a study of the Jobian dilemma in relation to contemporary ars poetica : Bedrock : poemsHow local democracy is being crushed under the jackboot of the Government’s Mr ConcreteNeuroanatomic localization of memory disruptive sites within the mouse hippocampus /Results of a motion camera survey in Jwana game park, Jwaneng, Botswana.An Outline of the Geology of Madagascar