Norwegian Pilotage, Pilots, and Pilot Boats in the Age of SailUS CENSUS BLOCK GROUPS - 2000Application for a Department of the Army Permit Keehi Lagoon Boat Moorage PODCO-O No. 2168 Keehi Lagoon, OahuSex and age differences in distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of wintering Harlequin Ducks: implications for conservat...Four strategies for the age of smart servicesTreatment and prognosis of nasal polyps in cystic fibrosis.Longitudinal study of cholesterol values in 68 children from birth to 11 years of age.Assessment of the age-specific disability weight of chronic schistosomiasis japonica.The effect of age of acquisition: Partly frequency related, partly frequency independentPsychosocial functioning of children with cystic fibrosis.