Catheter ablation vs. antiarrhythmic drug treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation: a multicentre, randomized, controlled trial (...Adrenomedullin in mammalian embryogenesis.ECG spectral and morphological parameters reviewed and updated to detect adult and paediatric life-threatening arrhythmiaConversion of atrial fibrillation with ajmaline in a pregnant woman with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.Mortalidad por enfermedades del miocardio en niños y jóvenes. Estudio observacional de base poblacional[Presentación de la película, Españolas en París]Left main coronary artery spasmDevelopment of a pediatric ECG rhythm database for the assessment of the rhythm analysis algorithms of automated external defibrilla...Adrenomedullin in mammalian embryogenesis (p 40-54)Partial enterectomy decreases somatostatin-binding sites in residual intestine of rabbits