Cellular dynamics in the draining lymph nodes during sensitization and elicitation phases of contact hypersensitivity.Protein kinase C (PKC) alpha and PKC theta are the major PKC isotypes involved in TCR down-regulation.Evolutionary Conservation of Nkx2.5 Autoregulation in the Second Heart FieldPKC-θ exists in an oxidized inactive form in naive human T cellsTheroleofhazardvulnerabilityassessmentsindisasterpreparednessandpreventioninChinaTCR down-regulation boosts T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity and protection against poxvirus infections.How to consider simulation fidelity and validity for an engineering simulatorCUSTOM SCORECARD AND HYBRID FRAUD MODELReal time adaptive control of transaction review rate score curveEvaluation of chronic hypopituitarism following diffuse axonal injury