RESEARCH OF EXTRACTION CONDITIONS OF PEPPERMINT AND BOGBEAN RAW MATERIALS AS THE ACTIVE COMPOUNDS OF HERBAL MEDICAL PRODUCT “TRIVAL...COSEWIC Assessment Summary : Bogbean Buckmoth Hemileuca sp.Aqueous Extracts From Bogbean and Yarrow Affect Stimulation of Human Dendritic Cells and Their Activation of Allogeneic CD4 (+) T Ce...COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Bogbean Buckmoth Hemileuca sp. in CanadaRecovery strategy for the Bogbean Buckmoth (Hemileuca sp.) in CanadaBogbean Buckmoth, Hemileuca sp.BUCKBEAN, BOGBEAN, MARSH TREFOILBogbean and shinleaf in North Carolina.Effects of aqueous extracts from bogbean and yarrow on human dendritic cells and their ability to activate allogeneic CD4 + T cells ...Water-holding capacity of a floating peat mat determines the survival and growth of Menyanthes trifoliata L (bog bean) in an oligot...