Development, cytokine profile and function of human interleukin 17|[ndash]|producing helper T cellsJR et al. Development, cytokine profile and function of human interleukin 17-producing helper T cellsIL-22 Inhibits Epidermal Differentiation and Induces Proinflammatory Gene Expression and Migration of Human KeratinocytesLIGAND RECOGNITION BY αβ T CELL RECEPTORSLigand recognition by alpha beta T cell receptorsDo 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs?Circulating and Gut-resident Human Th17 Cells Express CD161 and Promote Intestinal InflammationA role for T cell‐derived interleukin 22 in psoriatic skin inflammationT helper type 1 and 17 cells determine efficacy of interferon-[beta] in multiple sclerosis and experimental encephalomyelitisA kinetic basis for T cell receptor repertoire selection during an immune response.