- During his search, he uncovers an illegal gambling society manipulating the result of boxing matches.
文龙到了香港后发现一个非法赌博集团,操控选手和拳赛结果。 - By winning the silver medal in light-welterweight boxing, Clement "Ike"Quartey of Ghana became the first black African Olympic medalist.
Boxing match
Analysis of a Boxing Match - Pilot Study
Crucible: Multi participant boxing match
Boxing Match in Agricultural Trade: Will WTO negotiations knock out the world's poorest farmers
Myocardial contusion after a professional boxing match.
Objectifying when to halt a boxing match: a video analysis of fatalities.
Football Game Rather Than Boxing Match: China–US Intensifying Rivalry Does not Amount to Cold War
Football Game Rather Than Boxing Match: China鈥揢S Intensifying Rivalry Does not Amount to Cold War
Physiological responses and energy cost during a simulation of a Muay Thai boxing match.
Heart rate response during a simulated Olympic boxing match is predominantly above ventilatory threshold 2: a cross sectional study.
Anaerobic upper and lower body power measurements and perception of fatigue during a kick boxing match