- He was very naughty in his boyhood.
他少年时非常淘气。 - My mind traveled over the happy days of my boyhood.
The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life by J. M. Coetzee
Boyhood, Organized Sports, and the Construction of Masculinities
Extreme Boyhood Femininity: Isolated Behavior or Pervasive Disorder?
Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
Adolescent boys: Exploring diverse cultures of boyhood.
Sexual orientation and boyhood gender conformity: Development of the Boyhood Gender Conformity Scale (BGCS)
William Pollack: Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
Prediction of Cannabis Use Disorder between Boyhood and Young Adulthood: Clarifying the Phenotype and Environtype