用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- beat one's brain over对…冥思苦想
- blow out sb's brains把某人的脑袋打开花
- have brains有头脑
- lack brains缺乏头脑
- muddle the brain使头脑糊涂
- operate on brain对大脑施行手术
- pick sb's brain采用某人的主张,抄袭他人的想法
- tax one's brain费脑筋,苦思
- turn sb's brain使某人得意忘形,冲昏某人的头脑
- use one's brain动脑筋
形容词+~- clear-thinking brain思路清晰的头脑
- disordered brain混乱的头脑
- fine brain头脑灵活
- political brain政治头脑
名词+~- animal brain动物大脑
- human brain人脑,人类智慧
~+名词介词+~- on the brain念念不忘,热衷于
- writer with brains有头脑的作家
human brain人脑
brain injury[医]脑损伤
brain damage脑损伤
brain drain人才外流;智囊流失
brain tumor脑瘤,脑癌;脑肿瘤
brain activity大脑活动
on the brain念念不忘;着迷
brain stem脑干
brain power脑力;智能
brain death[医]脑死亡
brain cell脑细胞
brain surgery脑外科;脑部手术
blood brain barrier血脑屏障
brain trust智囊团
brain chemistry脑化学
brain truster n. 顾问;智囊团团员
brain scan脑部扫描
brain work脑力劳动
brain dead脑死亡的
brain storming头脑风暴法,集体创造性思维法
- The drug may cause permanent brain damage.
这种药可能会引起永久性的脑部伤害。 - His brain seems to be functioning normally.
他的大脑看起来功能正常。 - His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.
他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。 - She has a good brain.
她很有头脑。 - You need brains to become a university professor.
当大学教授要有才智。 - He is one of the leading brains in the country.
他是国家的知识分子精英。 - Brain is the master control center of the body.
脑是身体的主要控制中心。 - The medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning.
- I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet.
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