Influence of thermal treatment on the structure of an isotactic polypropylene
Electric spark and esd sensitivity of reactive solids (primary or secondary explosive, propellant, pyrotechnics) part one: Experimen...
Nouveau derive indolique du thiadiazole-1,2,4, isole d'un tunicier ( Dendrodoa grossularia )
Catalytic β-stereospecific epoxidation of unsaturated steroids by trans-dioxoruthenium(VI)tetramesitylporphyrin. Stereochemical gro...
[ O -(Dioxa-2,5 hexyl) oxime]-9 de l'érythromycine A hydratée
ChemInform Abstract: Catalytic β‐Stereospecific Epoxidation of Unsaturated Steroids by trans‐Dioxoruthenium(VI)tetramesitylporphy...
Forme II du complexe dinitratobis(antipyrine)cuivre(II)
Multiscale Processes Regulate Brassy Minnow Persistence in a Great Plains River
Taylor & Francis Online :: Multiscale Processes Regulate Brassy Minnow Persistence in a Great Plains River - Transactions of the Ame...