- Breadfruit grows on trees and produces a large green fruit the size of a melon.
面包果长在面包树上并且是一种尺寸就象西瓜的大型绿色瓜果。 - There are also fruits that were prevalent in other time periods as a source of starch, such as breadfruit.
Conservation and use of breadfruit: Ghanaian perspective
Systematics and Species Limits of Breadfruit (Artocarpus, Moraceae)
Complex origins of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, Moraceae): Implications for human migrations in Oceania
Carotenoid content and traditional knowledge of breadfruit cultivars of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Further analyses on Micronesian banana, taro, breadfruit and other foods for provitamin A carotenoids and minerals
Micronesian banana, giant swamp taro, and breadfruit cultivars: newly recognized sources of provitamin A and other carotenoids
Selected physical, mechanical and aerodynamic properties of African breadfruit (Treculia africana) seeds.
Functional properties of native, physically and chemically modified breadfruit ( Artocarpus artilis ) starch
Chemical composition, functional properties and baking potential of African breadfruit kernel and wheat flour blends.
Effect of process variables on trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), phytic acid and tannin content of extruded African breadfruit-corn-...