- Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies.
IGF system and peripheral arterial disease: relationship with disease severity and inflammatory status of the affected limbMassey MedalIke: Countdown to D-DayCERCETĂRI PRIVIND PERFECŢIONAREA METODELOR DE EXTRACŢIE A COMPUŞILOR BIOACTIVI DIN PRODUSE VEGETALEPeripheral vascular endothelial function testing as a noninvasive indicator of coronary artery disease ☆Effect of L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine on cardiovascular diseases: a summaryAssessing the Role of Circulating, Genetic, and Imaging Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Risk PredictionVitamin C prevents endothelial dysfunction induced by acute exercise in patients with intermittent claudication.Traditional and non-traditional risk factors contribute to the development of accelerated atherosclerosis in patients with systemic ...The differential effects of EPA and DHA on cardiovascular risk factors.