用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- give bribes to sb向…行贿
- offer bribes to sb向…行贿
- take bribes受贿
- He is so honest that he will not accept bribe.
他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。 - There is a big stink about his accepting a bribe.
他收受贿赂,引起一场大纠纷。 - He demeant himself by accepting a bribe.
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped.
他买通看守而逃之夭夭了。 - They tried to bribe the judge to acquit them.
他们试图贿赂法官判他们无罪。 - That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story.
Bureaucratic delays and bribe-taking
Does it pay to bribe? : evidence from corruption cases
Red tape, incentive bribe and the provision of subsidy
"Plata O Plomo?": Bribe and Punishment in a Theory of Political Influence
Deciding to Bribe: A Cross-Level Analysis of Firm and Home Country Influences on Bribery Activity
Ownership, Competition, and Corruption: Bribe Takers versus Bribe Payers
Factors Affecting Managers' Decision to Bribe: An Empirical Investigation
The power of negative thinking: corruption, perception and willingness to bribe in Ukraine
Privatization, competition, and corruption: how characteristics of bribe takers and payers affect bribes to utilities
'If I receive it, it is a gift; if I demand it, then it is a bribe': On the Local Meaning of Economic Transactions in Post-Soviet Uk...