- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers.
工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。 - The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer.
Bricklayer's guide
Mechanical bricklayer device
Bricklayer's leveling and plumbing device
Bricklayer: window layout using linear programming
The bricklayer problem and the Strong Cycle Lemma
A 35-year-old bricklayer with hemimyoclonic jerks
Photosensitization to cobalt in a bricklayer.
Allergic contact dermatitis from dithiocarbamate fungicides in a bricklayer
Including the people with disabilities at work: a case study of the job of bricklayer in civil construction in Brazil
The pleasures and perils of sharing information: A pilot case study of a male South African bricklayer