British Thermal UnitBritish Thermal UnitBritish thermal unitWell economics across ten tiers in low and high Btu (British thermal unit) areas, Barnett Shale, TexasDirect production of high British Thermal Unit gas from the low-temperature steam gasification of brown coalSize, moisture content, and British thermal unit value of processed in-woods residues: five case studies.Method for saving energy of air-conditioning system i.e. 2000-British thermal unit type air-conditioning system, during sleeping, in...Appendix A British Thermal Unit Conversion FactorsCharacterization of airborne particles at a high british thermal unit coal gasification pilot plantHistory of the British Thermal UnitThe purchase of fuel on a British thermal unit basisClinton caboose hitched to Btu tax; 'train leaving station' without VAT. (British thermal unit, value-added tax)Btu tax won't be levied at wellhead; exact collection point remains unclear. (British thermal unit)