Packaging machine adapted to convert pouches from edgewise advance to broadwise advance
Discussion on broadwise ranking and lengthwise writing method in local chronicles compilation for Poverty Alleviation
Analysis about Effect of Rolling Parameters on Broadwise Deformation
System for heating broadwise-end portions of metal material
17. Study on the Edgewise and Broadwise Vectorcardiogram: (I) The Method and Normal and Abnormal Configurations
EdgewiseおよびBroadwise VCGに関する研究 : 第1報 : 主として方法, 正常および異常におけるQRS loopの形について
PAGER-M: a novel location-based routing protocol for mobile sensor networks
Opportunistic resource scheduling for wireless ad-hoc networks
Analyzing and preventing MAC-layer denial of service attacks for stock 802.11 systems
Multi-filament split-yarn sheet and method and device for the manufacture thereof