Some kinetics of bronzite orthopyroxene dissolutionVredefort bronzite granophyre: chemical evidence for origin as a meteorite impact meltCoexisting bronzite and clinobronzite and the thermal evolution of the Steinbach meteoriteA Sapphirine-Cordierite-Bronzite-Phlogopite Paragenesis from Namaqualand, South AfricaIridium in the Vredefort Bronzite Granophyre: Impact Melting and Limits on a Possible Extraterrestrial ComponentThe 'bronzite'-granophyre from the Vredefort structure - A detailed analytical study and reflections on the genesis of one of Vredef...Measurement of single-crystal elastic constants of bronzite as a function of pressure and temperatureUranium content and radiogenic ages of hypersthene, bronzite, amphoterite and carbonaceous chondritesThe structure and shape of the Jimberlana Intrusion, Western Australia, as indicated by an investigation of the Bronzite ComplexHigh-temperature heat capacities and derived thermodynamic properties of anthophyllite, diopside, dolomite, enstatite, bronzite, tal...