- Trimble paused, looking carefully at the brownstone house.
崔博停了下来,很仔细地看着这褐色砂石墙的房子。 - Jake came back home to his westside brownstone finally.
Applied Choice Analysis: A Primer
Forecasting new product penetration with flexible substitution patterns
Joint mixed logit models of stated and revealed preferences for alternative-fuel vehicles
Valuing time and reliability: assessing the evidence from road pricing demonstrations ☆
The impact of residential density on vehicle usage and fuel consumption: Evidence from national samples ☆
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 tat activates non-N-methyl-D-aspartate excitatory amino acid receptors and causes neurotoxicity
High-grade dysplasia and invasive carcinoma in colorectal adenomas: a multivariate analysis of the impact of adenoma and patient cha...
Dendritic L-type calcium currents in mouse spinal motoneurons: Implications for bistability
A cluster of cholinergic premotor interneurons modulates mouse locomotor activity
Transmission in a locomotor-related group Ib pathway from hindlimb extensor muscles in the cat.