- But it can be bruising as well.
Estimation of the age of bruising
Easy bruising as a side-effect of inhaled corticosteroids
Bio-speckle assessment of bruising in fruits
54-year-old man with dyspnea and abdominal wall bruising.
Bleeding and bruising in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and other collagen vascular disorders.
Magnetic resonance imaging of bone bruising in the acutely injured knee--short-term outcome
Are there patterns of bruising in childhood which are diagnostic or suggestive of abuse? A systematic review.
Skin bruising in asthmatic subjects treated with high doses of inhaled steroids: frequency and association with adrenal function
Location of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on and in apples as affected by bruising, washing, and rubbing.
Autoerythrocyte sensitization; a form of purpura producing painful bruising following autosensitization to red blood cells in certai...