- The ship was decked out with flags and bunting.
这艘船用旗和旗布装饰得十分漂亮。 - The country is gay with all colors of bunting.
全国上下到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。 - The buildings were draped with red, white, and blue bunting.
屋子上悬挂着红白蓝三色的旗帜。 - The city was gay with all colors of bunting.
这个城市到处飘扬着五色缤纷的旗帜。 - Outside her window, an indigo bunting was singing.
The ABC transporter Bcrp1/ABCG2 is expressed in a wide variety of stem cells and is a molecular determinant of the side-population p...
An enzyme isolated from arteries transforms prostaglandin endoperoxides to an unstable substance that inhibits platelet aggregation
Arterial walls are protected against deposition of platelet thrombi by a substance (prostaglandin X) which they make from prostaglan...
Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide
Therapeutic angiogenesis. A single intraarterial bolus of vascular endothelial growth factor augments revascularization in a rabbit ...
Local Delivery of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Accelerates Reendothelialization and Attenuates Intimal Hyperplasia in Balloon-...
Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates bone repair by promoting angiogenesis and bone turnover.
A lipid peroxide inhibits the enzyme in blood vessel microsomes that generates from prostaglandin endoperoxides the substance (prost...
International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: potential need and demand for infertility medical care
Reply: International estimates on infertility prevalence and treatment seeking: potential need and demand for medical care