- It is confirmed by experience.
这已为经验所证实。 - We all learn by experience.
Learning by Experience as Joint Production
Induction of brain structure by experience: Substrates for cognitive development
Induction of Multiple Synapses by Experience in the Visual Cortex of Adult Rats ☆
Hippocampal growth and attrition in birds affected by experience.
Visual feature selectivity in frontal eye fields induced by experience in mature macaques
Specialized Host Plant Performance of Pea Aphid Clones is not Altered by Experience
Parvalbumin-expressing basket-cell network plasticity induced by experience regulates adult learning.
Compartmentalized versus global synaptic plasticity on dendrites controlled by experience.
Causal beliefs and conditioned responses: retrospective revaluation induced by experience and by instruction
C. elegans Locomotory Rate Is Modulated by the Environment through a Dopaminergic Pathway and by Experience through a Serotonergic P...