- Police warned bystander to keep away from the blazing building.
警察告诫围观者,不要靠近燃烧的建筑物。 - I was nothing more than an innocent bystander.
Studies of bystander effects in human fibroblasts using a charged particle microbeam
Induction of Bystander T Cell Proliferation by Viruses and Type I Interferon in Vivo
NF-κB: pivotal mediator or innocent bystander in atherogenesis?
The "bystander effect": tumor regression when a fraction of the tumor mass is genetically modified.
Adaptive Response and the Bystander Effect Induced by Radiation in C3H 10T½ Cells in Culture
Inflammation in Alzheimer disease: driving force, bystander or beneficial response?
Counting Antigen-Specific CD8 T Cells: A Reevaluation of Bystander Activation during Viral Infection
Apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in productively infected cells of HIV- and SIV-infected lymph nodes
Increase in survival and bystander CPR in out-of-hospital shockable arrhythmia: bystander CPR and female gender are predictors of im...
Non-targeted and delayed effects of exposure to ionizing radiation: I. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects i...