- When is death our lone beholder?
我们孤独的旁观者什么时候死去? - Macao's appeal is very much in the eyes of the beholder.
Beauty and the beholderPsychology. Beauty and the beholderThe Eye of Beholder : Measuring Aesthetic DevelopmentIn the Eye of the Impulsive BeholderMeaning is in the beholder's eye: morpho-semantic effects in masked primingBeauty and the Beholder: Toward an Integrative Model of Communication Source EffectsThe eye of the very young beholder: sex typing of infants by young children.Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot by Michael FriedIn the Eye of the Impulsive Beholder: The Interaction Between Impulsivity and Perceived Informal Social Control on OffendingAdult age and gender differences in perceptions of facial attractiveness: beauty is in the eye of the older beholder.