CabbalaLa cabbala. Dottrina segreta del «ricevimento»BORGES, CABBALA AND “CREATIVE MISREADING”La cabbala rivelata. Guida personale per una vita più serenaHasidism, Cabbala and Rock in the Musical Project of AtzmusMilton's Jesus : as an Heir of Messiah of CabbalaBetween Cratylus and Cabbala: The Problem of Language Origin in Athanasius Kircher's Tunis Babel (Tower Of Babel, 1679)The private labyrinth of Malcolm Lowry : Under the volcano, and the CabbalaThe Reception of Hebrew in Sixteenth-Century Europe: The Impact of the CabbalaEntdeckungen beim Lernen der hebr ischen Sprache und der Kabbala Discoveries Learning the Hebrew Language and the Cabbala