cacoxeniteCacoxeniteCacoxenite in Miocene Sediments of the Maryland Coastal PlainCacoxenite, corkite, hinsdalite and plumbogumite in the Chala deposit, eastern RhodopesAn X-ray structural study of cacoxenite, a mineral phosphateCacoxenite, rockbridgeite, beraunite, and strengite from the Fort Payne chert, Alabaster, AlabamaCacoxenite and Crandallite from Pwlldu Beach, Bishopston, Gower, Swansea, South Wales: The first Welsh occurrenceRaman spectroscopy of the phosphate minerals: cacoxenite and gormanitespectroscopy of the phosphate minerals: cacoxenite and gormanite. Asian Chemistry Letters, 7(4), pp. 197-203.Ultralarge Pore Molecular Sieves: Characterization of The 14Å Pore Mineral, Cacoxenite