cadaverousCadaverousTHE CADAVEROUS CITY: THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE DEAD IN MEXICO CITY, 1875-1930Cadaverous particles and infection in injured man. Clinical review based on the Semmelweis LectureSuccession pattern of cadaverous entomofauna in a semi-rural area of Bogota, Colombia.[Isolation and determination of phosphamide in cadaverous material].THE INTERACTION OF NICKEL IONS WITH HUMAN CADAVEROUS DERMIS. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL, ABSORPTION, SWELLINGBiomechanical characterisation of fresh and cadaverous human small intestine: applications for abdominal traumaAchilles tendon repair: a new method of Achilles tendon repair tested on cadaverous materials.A comparison of subchondral bone mineralization between the glenoid cavity and the humeral head on 57 cadaverous shoulder joints.