SEG 56-1077. Sicily. Caducei: inscriptions on bronze caducei, late 6ht/5th cent. B.C. /Hellenistic period.Clubs, Thunderbolts, Torches, Stars and Caducei: more Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Mainland Greece and the IslandsFactors influencing the plate method for determining abundance of bacteria in sea water.Studien an darmbewohnenden Flagellaten der TermitenDeformable photoelastic deviceThe Staff of AesculapiusC. Santoro, Sul caduceo con !'epigrafe IM. 13, II (Taranto) e i rapporti latinomessapiciDo bastão de Esculápio ao caduceu de MercúrioCaminhos e descaminhos: a trajetória complexa do aluno com AH/SD e Dislexia na escolaQohelet: letture e prospettive