- What vitamin can promote calcic absorption?
什么维生素可以促进钙的吸收? - Good food should raise calcic content to reduce phosphorous content.
Calcic soils of southwestern United States
Calcic soils of the southwestern United States
Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer
Alkali-calcic and alkaline post-orogenic (PO) granite magmatism: petrologic constraints and geodynamic settings
Non-ideal interactions in calcic amphiboles and their bearing on amphibole-plagioclase thermometry
Calcic amphiboles in calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas: thermobarometric and chemometric empirical equations valid up to 1,130°C ...
Calcic melt inclusions in primitive olivine at 43°N MAR: evidence for melt–rock reaction/melting involving clinopyroxene-rich lith...
Experimental study of clinopyroxenite partial melting and the origin of ultra-calcic melt inclusions
Mixing of Sodic and Calcic Brines and Uranium Deposition at McArthur River, Saskatchewan, Canada: A Raman and Laser-Induced Breakdow...
Experimental phase-equilibrium study of Al- and Ti-contents of calcic amphibole in MORB—A semiquantitative thermobarometer