ADIPOSE-CELL SIZE AND IMMUNOREACTIVE INSULIN LEVELS IN OBESE AND NORMAL-WEIGHT ADULTSA king-sized theropod coproliteEvaluation of an estrogen, androgen, estrogen-androgen combination, and a placebo in the treatment of the menopause.Mafic and ultramafic xenoliths from volcanic rocks of the western United StatesA proton-microprobe study of magmatic sulfide ores from the Noril'sk-Talnakh district, SiberiaFragments of the mantle and crust from beneath the Sierra Nevada batholith: Xenoliths in a volcanic pipe near Big Creek, CaliforniaA king-size theropod coproliteLower Crustal Xenoliths, Chinese Peak Lava Flow, Central Sierra NevadaMafic and ultramafic xenoliths from volcanic rocks of the western United StatesThe Thermal Effect of a Basalt Intrusion on Fission Tracks in Quartz Monzonite